Roman aka Sherwee from Berlin is modest, when he is asked to describe himself in a few words. Already during his kindergarten days music was a big deal for him. He mastered the piano, which he learnt alongside school. Therefore, the contact with marks and music was nothing new to him.Later he bought the necessary equipment from his first self-earned money and started recording Sets at home. He organized private parties for his group of friends, which he himself entertained musically. Short time later at the age of nineteen it led him to the first clubs, where he presented his own music to an external audience.

Music is his hobby. The change came when he decided to make more of it. The urge was too big, to hold to his own ideas and to extend them or to make something completely new with single elements. He saw the chance for the realization of his dreams within his own productions. He deepened his knowledge in complicated topic and descended in a world of own creations. Even if this took up a lot of money and time, the investments and the devotion have been worthwhile.

For almost a year now he produces his own interpretation of electronic tones and sounds, and lends it altogether a unique and personal flair. He pays precise attention to music in order to bring diversity to his single tracks, which he then brings in harmony with the propelling sounds of the clubs. He himself says that it is not tied down to a specific genre, what he is trying to combine. A potpourri of melody, rhythm and impulsive beats are important to him. Thus, became from a private leisure pursuit an artist, who has defined his aims clearly and invested a lot of time and work in order to reach his goals.

All this is rewarded, what he has created, with the feedback of his audience. However, this is not the only reason why the 24-year-old is motivated to create music. Even more, music is his balance to everyday life, music allows him to breathe again and at the end have time to relax. Furthermore, he can express his emotions with music. Feeling, which he could never get the words quite right for….Music speaks the language that every person in the world is able to understand, and where it does not matter wherefrom a person comes, music can be understood right away.


♫♬♪ MFK VIBES – Deine Acts, deine Musik! ♪♫ ♬

Diesmal mit: Sherwee

Stil-/Musikrichtung: Deep House, Tech House, Techno
Label: Musikalische Feinkost, Berliner Sound

Soundcloudartistpage: @sherwee
Heimatstadt: Berlin

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