Writer | Actor | Director

You can also watch this episode on Youtube where English, Italian and Spanish subtitles are available or visit the Metralla Rosa website for more details.

Tonderai is, in addition to being a writer, director and actor, someone with a frankly formidable capacity for interaction with the world around him. He is fast, receptive, perceptive and warm, whilst at the same time a profound human being who knows what he wants, says what he thinks, expresses his visions eloquently and pursues his desires with a single mindedness, avoiding all distractions. He has the ability to live his life from a place of unquestionable authenticity, whilst at the same time being alert to his surroundings and responding to them with sensitivity and intelligence.

Tonderai Munyevu, this episode’s charming guest, offers us an enlightened stroll along the paths of reflection on issues that are not easy to portray, unless blessed with the wisdom that comes so naturally to him. Universally important topics such as spirituality, sexuality, racism, life in the diaspora, creative passion and conscientious artistic creations enrich the perspective of anyone interested in navigating the meaning of life, and were precisely the topics that brought this conversation to life.

Discover why Two Gents Productions, the company that Tonderai co-founded, specialises in interpreting theatre classics from the perspective of the thousands of immigrants and displaced people who inhabit the great capitals of the Western world. Find out why bringing Hamlet to Zimbabwe and other south African countries was not as magnanimous an idea as it first seemed. And, above all, discover why an already successful actor, writer, director and theologian (who graduated from one of the best universities in London and, indeed, the world) has, after the long quarantine and emotive Black Lives Matter movement, decided to start a new chapter in his creative life, in order to finally conceive the legacy that he longs to leave the world.

And now, enjoy the interview!


Related Links
Tonderai Munyevu: Twitter | Instagram
Two Gents Productions: Website | Instagram


Escritor | Actor | Director

Tonderai, ademas de ser escritor, director y actor – su nombre en Zimbawense significa recordar – es un ser humano francamente formidable. Es rápido, receptivo, perceptivo, cálido, y al mismo tiempo es un hombre profundo que sabe lo que quiere, piensa lo que dice, expresa sus visiones con elocuencia, y persigue sus anhelos sin que nada lo detenga o lo distraiga demasiado. Tiene la capacidad de interactuar con el mundo que lo rodea desde un lugar de autenticidad inobjetable y al mismo tiempo está alerta a los signos de su tiempo y responde a ellos con sensibilidad e inteligencia.

Tonderai Munyevu, nuestro encantador invitado de ocasión, nos ofreció un iluminado paseo por los caminos de la reflexion de temas....for further information about this interview, including links to anything mentioned by Tonderai, or to continue reading this text in Spanish, English and Italian, visit the Metralla Rosa website

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