The early hours of April 19th, 2013 in Watertown Massachusetts, while nervous residents peeked out of their windows, a shootout between police and the 2 suspects of the Boston Bombing was resulting in more bloodshed... 210 rounds were fired at the 2 brothers responsible...and, there were more explosions- end to a week that had already been terrifying, and devastating.

Tamerlan Tsarnaev was dead and his brother Dzhokhar was on the loose, in a residential area of Boston.  When would the terror end?

In this episode, we dive into the manhunt, the investigation, the psychology of terrorism and how justice was finally received for the victims of the Boston Marathon Bombing.

Researched, written, hosted and produced by Dawn Gandhi

Edited by moeInspo

Music by Timmoor from Pixabay

For a list of sources used, visit the podcast website:

Method & Madness Podcast (