Welcome to our new show! The Meteor Monthly Wrap-Up is exactly what it sounds: A monthly podcast showcasing everything that we've done over the past month on both the Open Source side of the core framework and on Galaxy Hosting.  

This is one effort of ours to improve our communication with our community. We hope you enjoy! 

For our first episode we also did a bit of an introduction and set out the goals of the show. One of these goals is bringing more people to the platform by way of word of mouth, case studies and showcase items. 

If anyone wants to take part in a case study or have your app showcased, please email [email protected]. We have some swag to give out : -)

We also also dive deeper into the key updates we've made since the acquisition. Such as: 

Galaxy Hosting Free Trial Security updates for Galaxy: App Protection, 2-Factor AuthenticationMeteor 1.11 updates like: Performance optimizations,  Cache your builds, Apollo and Vue SkeletonsAnd much more..

If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know at [email protected]

If you're not already part of our community Slack, you can join us here.  We'd love to have you! Also, check out the Forums and our blog for additional updates and news from us. 

As always follow us on social, and rate review and subscribe for future Meteor updates!