Brandon is joined by founder, Geek Mentality host, and his cousin Mike (@geekmentality), to talk about multiple movie and TV appearances that members of Metallica have made throughout the years. They also ramble through a bunch of nonsense in what is a dumb, fun and "very special episode" of Metallicast! Make sure you check out the Fans Not Experts Movie Month in the month of June which Mike hosts every year. 30 days. 30 movies. Movies up your ass! DISCLAIMER: Yes this is the 2nd late episode in a row. File your complaints on the Metallicast Hotline and Metallicast email that Brandon sucks at promoting : 203-548-0609 and [email protected]. DOWNLOAD: MP3SUBSCRIBE: iTunes | Stitcher | Player.FM | TuneIn | Google Play Music | Blubrry | RSSFOLLOW: Twitter | Facebook | InstagramCONTACT: Email: [email protected]  |  Call: 203-548-0609


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