Friends, Romans, Metalheads, lend me your ears.
This is where it all started. This is where the fatrick bum batrick interview style commenced, quite unexpectedly. Phil Pendergast, singer and guitarist of Khemmis, was such an absolute joy to talk to, that I just let the 15 minute interview, turn into 20 minutes, then into 30 and then sod it, a full three quarters of an hour 45 minute monstrosity. 
It was all so good I couldn't bear to cut any down, so the citizens of the Metal Empire had the full thing thrust upon them, and they loved it. 
So, join Phil and I for a very delightful conversation about facial hair, developing a story with album art, the interplay between visuals and the genre, coffee table book goals, David Bowie and more.
All material apart from music & station ident copyright RJ Bayley 2020.
Music used with kind permission, thank you.
Is there anyone you'd like me to interview for Metal Empire Interviews? 
Contact me on Twitter @RJBayley, Instagram robertjbayley or on the Metal Empire Facebook page.

Please leave a review on iTunes or where you found this.

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