Friends, Romans, Metalheads, lend me your ears.

It just felt right to kick off the Metal Empire Interviews podcast with my first conversation with my friends Evgeny & Helle of IGNEA.

Usually record labels and promoters Reach Out to Touch Base™ with me and ask which of their artists I'd like interview. In this case though, I fell so in love with Ignea's first album, The Sign of Faith, that I sought them out myself for a recorded chinwag.

Listening back, the pair come across so well and it's a wide ranging chat about not only their music but further metal-relevant topics.

Is there anyone you'd like me to interview for Metal Empire Interviews? 
Contact me on Twitter @RJBayley or on the Metal Empire Facebook page.

Support Metal Empire on Ko-Fi:

Ignea's website:

Buy Ignea merch (I have. It's great. I love my t-shirt and especially my hoodie):

Ignea on Spotify:

Ignea's YouTube channel:

Helle's YouTube channel:

Evgeny's YouTube channel:

All material apart from music copyright RJ Bayley 2020.
Music used with kind permission, thank you.

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