#DnD5E #Eberron News  This podcast includes Upcoming Eberron.  When new eberron is suppose to be released. Also, there is a YouTube Video with D&D Beyond interviewing Keith Baker.  In Addition, there is more on EberronMinitures from WIzKids. Subsequently, I cover a Todd Talk with James sheack who talk with  Keith Baker on Eberron. Plus, I recommend Some Dragon Talk Lore you should know episodes on Eberron you may be interested in. Moreover, I cover a Dragon + Live interview on Twitch with Bart Carrol interviewing Jeremy Crawford on the upcoming Eberron Hardback and JEremy reveals what is in many of the chapters. On top of that, there is information about the Around Eberron in 50 days encounters in D&D Beyond.  Adding to that, there is coverage on Kieth Baker's Blog. As a bonus, s you find out about the new Eberron Product on the DMs Guild. Yet there is more so listen and find out what that is. It is just shy of 34 minutes.


Todd Talks - Eberron

D&D Icons of the Realms: Eberron Rising From The Last War – WizKidsDragon+: Q&A with Jeremy Crawford, 9/4/19

From A faceBook Posting From Shawn Merwin About Oracles OF War Adventure League Campaign.

Adventureres League Adventurers Wanted Video on Twitch

Dragon Talk: LYSK Elemental Ships of Eberron, 8/30/19

Dragon Talk: LYSK The Mournland & the Lord of Blades, 7/12/19

Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days

Around Khorvaire in Fifty Days: Encounters of the Week in Eberron

Encounter of the Week: Storm over the Howling Peaks

Encounter of the Week: Friendship in the Wilderness

Encounter of the Week: Espionage in Grellreach

Lightning Round: Dragons, Tarkanan, and More!

What I’m Up To: Level Eater, GAME, Exploring Eberron!

Frightning Rail


    The Dragon Below Trilogy

The Binding Stone

The Grieving Tree

The Killing Song

Legacy of Dhakaan Trilogy

The Doom of Kings

Word of Traitors

The Tyranny of Ghosts

Dragonshards – Heirs of Dhakaan

Dragonshards – Strike Force: Dhakaan

Dragonmarks: Goblins

Eberron Dhakaani goblin vocabulary dictionary

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