#DnD5E #Eberron News = Hear about How to run a warforged Soldier in your Eberron campaign as a monster.  Plus, find out how you can get advice on running Tarkanan assassins.  Also, hear about using the guilds of ravnica in Eberron. Moreover, hear about the new train heist adventure BARRELING FORWARD. In addition, find out about the new map set for Eberron Rising from the Last War. There is also coverage of Keith Baker’s blog entries and theenw EberronProducts onthe DMs Guild. The podcast lasts almost 41 minutes.



Warforged Soldier Tactics

Tarkanan Assassin Tactics

Using the Guilds of Ravnica in Eberron

Arcane Workshop, Eberron Rising from the Last War Map Series Launch

New D&D Errata Brings Eberron And Sword Coast Up To Speed With Tasha's

Dungeons & Dragons Makes Some Big Changes to the Artificer

SCAG and Eberron Errata! | Nerd Immersion


New Keith Baker’s Blog Entries

IFAQ: The Crimson Covenant

My Current Projects…

Ghost Stories of Eberron

IFAQ: 5N Fleets, Rune Arms, and the Next War


IFAQ: Swearing, Djinn, and Genasi

Eberron Confidential is here!

Threshold: Characters, Continued

IFAQ: Dragons Bad?

New Eberron Products on the DM’s Guild

Wrongs and Punishment: An Eberron Salvage Mission

Zarit's Laboratories

Barreling Forward

Voice of the Obsidian Idol

Last Stand at Copper Canyon

EB-EP-02 Rolling Thunder



Oracle of War Battle Maps - Rolling Thunder

Oracle of War Battle Maps - The Complete First Year

Monsters, NPCs & Sidekicks
Xorforged Mercenaries


Classes and Subclasses

Spirit of Halloween, Artificer: Mad Scientist

SpecialtyEberron: Khorvaire's Classified Callings


Races & Subraces


Miscellaneous Options

Sora Esma's Tome of Urban Legends: 13 Across Eberron Folktales

Wayfinder Foundation Primer

Thrane Heroic Chronicle

Politics of Valenar

Eberron Confidential