#DnD5E #Eberron = We have 15 new Adventures including two adventure league adventures.  Plus, we have four different map collections. Moreover, we have two warforged subraces and four subclasses. In addition, we have two Eberron Monster collections. Finally, we have 14 more miscellaneous products including one on the leaders of Eberron with stat blocks for each of them, Encounters in the Mournland and Magic Sword: An Eberron Story Seed by Kieth Baker. The podcast lasts 53 minutes & 38 seconds.



IFAQ: The Inspired

From the twittervers new news on Exploring Eberron is Close

Podcast #117 More Exploring Eberron with Keith Baker

A Look at Exploring Eberron, part 4: Uncharted Domains


New Eberron Products on the DMs Guild

Crypt of Crimson Stars 5e Conversion

Scales of Power

Last Hiss

Long Way Home

Deep Below Sharn: A one-shot adventure in Eberron

Monkey Wrenches

EB-08 Parliament of Gears

Encounters in the Mournland (Fantasy Grounds)

+The Khyber Heart: A Salvage Mission

Warforged or Warforged Unknown

Steel Elysium | An Eberron Adventure (Fantasy Grounds)

Xen'drik Expeditions to Tomb of Annihilation

+Dino World

Eberron - Defense of First Tower

EB-09 Lord Bucket

A Keye Without A Locke



Exploring Eberron - Map of the Planes

Oracle of War Battle Maps - Lord Bucket

Oracle of War Battle Maps - Parliament of Gears

Oracle of War Battle Maps - Salvage Bases

Races and Subraces

WARFORGED!: The Lawmaker - A New Subrace for Warforged (Fantasy Grounds)

WARFORGED!: The Primech - A New Warforged Variant (Fantasy Grounds)

Witchforger (5e Artificer Subclass)


Classes and Subclasses

The Seer Knight Specialist Type for Artificers [D&D 5e (2020)]

The Stormcaller

Artificer, Archetype Lord of Beasts



Creatures of Eberron

Mythic Eberron

Miscellaneous Options

Cannith Caching

Breland Heroic Chronicle

Piety of Eberron

Cyre Heroic Chronicle

Report: Magic in Mourning

Karrnath Heroic Chronicle

Eberron: Living Spells Collection for Fantasy Grounds

Leaders of Eberron

Rules of the Deep, Deeper Rule Variations

Exploring Eberron (Fantasy Grounds)

Magic Sword: An Eberron Story Seed

Champions of Dust

Pulp Chronicles of Eberron

Twitter Mentions