#DnD5E #Eberron = Hear about a new Manifest Zone (@ManifestZone) Podcast with Keith Baker on Riedra.  Also, a CBR (@CBRonline) article where you will learn much more about the  Traveler.  Plus, I inform you on Baker’s (@HellcowKeith) new patreon level that gives you a chance to game with him. In addition, hear about a new artificer subclass that involves candy! Finally, it lasts almost 54 minutes.


New Manifest Zone Riedra

Dungeons & Dragons: Who Is The Traveler (& 9 Other Things You Need To Know)

New Across Eberron Adventure


Keith Baker Blog Entries:

IFAQ: Transportation

Dragonmarks: Svirfneblin

IFAQ: Mummies in Eberron


New Eberron Products on the DM’s Guild

The Queen With Burning Eyes

Escape from Riedra: An Across Eberron Adventure

The Bronze Egg

EB-10 Judgment of Iron



Oracle of War Battle Maps - Judgment of Iron


Classes and Subclasses

Candy Witch (Artificer Specialty)

Allies of Argonesson

Strange Artificers: the Necro-Alchemist

Strange Artificers: the Apothecarist


Miscellaneous Options

Storm King's Thunder in Eberron