In our 279th regular episode of Metagamers Anonymous, we discuss the power of meaningful choices in the narrative of the game. We also talk TsunamiCon and some recent events in our own games. Metagamers Anonymous is a podcast dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games and (mostly) related material. To join the conversation, drop us a line […]

The post MetAnon Ep279 – The Power to Choose first appeared on Prismatic Tsunami.

In our 279th regular episode of Metagamers Anonymous, we discuss the power of meaningful choices in the narrative of the game. We also talk TsunamiCon and some recent events in our own games. Metagamers Anonymous is a podcast dedicated to tabletop roleplaying games and (mostly) related material. To join the conversation, drop us a line at [email protected].

Hosts: Erik, Rich, and Vanessa

Links from the show:

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Event Submission

The post MetAnon Ep279 – The Power to Choose first appeared on Prismatic Tsunami.