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Genesis is not a book of science, nor is it a historical book.It is theBook of God. It is a book of faith. Whilein its entirety the Bible doescontains true and important information aboutmany of thesciences,and from a historical context confirms beforehand many of the modern day archeological finds, it must find its primary purpose as the book which affords us the privilege of knowing the Creator Who then created all things.The Hebrew titlefor Genesis isBereisheetwhich meansbeginning. In thebeginning, there wewere and as we lookat our past and origins,itwill give us a great understanding of our present world, and of ourselves. As farbackin the past as Genesiswas in time,it isstillso closeto us today;its words are alive and powerful and its truthsremain unchanged.
Welcome to Messianic Viewpoint with Jacques Isaac Gabizon andourcontinuing study in the Book of Genesis. Be blessed as you listenin.Shalom!