In part 7 of To He Who Overcomes, Rabbi Steve Berkson continues with the subject of ‘Overcoming the World’ by leading us to a better understanding of the parable Yeshua taught about the Sower and the Seed found in Matthew chapter 13. Why are we taught in parables? What did Yeshua mean when He said in verse 9 “He who has ears to hear, let him hear”? Rabbi Berkson then begins a new subject, “Overcoming Evil With Good”, taking us to the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Roman assembly in chapter 12. Are we truly sacrificing our desires to gain the understanding of that “good, well-pleasing and perfect desire of Elohim”? Do we as the Body of Messiah realize that we all have different roles that should work together for the benefit of each other and ultimately for the Kingdom of Elohim? What teachers should we or should we not be listening to? In this teaching Rabbi Berkson gives a fabulous definition of the Hebrew word ‘emunah’ or faith/trust/belief.
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