Continuing in the Book of Jeremiah, chapter 11, we see a refresher on the original Covenant made between the Creator and those He selected, who entered into it without even hearing or understanding what the conditions of the contract were, but rather knowing with Whom they were entering it. All of this was to establish the oath which He had made with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 26:4-5). We then move into chapter 13 where we see the illustrated analogy of the girdle that YHWH had Jeremiah to buy, wear, then expose to the elements so that it would become useless and unable to do what it was intended to do. Israel was to cling, cleave and hold fast to their Creator but did not. They were to support, have faith (emunah) in, their Elohim, but became rebellious and stubborn in their “evil heart”, rendering them, in the words of YHWH, a useless people. In chapter 14 we see how the people of Judea were listening to the ones who said they were speaking for YHWH, but were not, to the destruction and exile of both. There is a great danger of speaking for YHWH when He has not spoken.
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