We recommend listening to the full teaching, The Good & Trustworthy Servant | Part 1, before listening to this episode.

Some of the topics covered are:
• Intro
• Did Yeshua always reference the Tanakh when he spoke?
• Yahweh gives the power to gain wealth
• Observations by Chris
• A divided heart cannot serve Yah properly
• How you treat others reflects on the Father & Don’t argue with them
• Is there a cost for discipleship 
• Last shall be first, and first shall be last?
• The challenges to becoming Torah-observant
• Should we actively seek opportunities to help others?
• What is ‘bearing false witness against another’?
• Does Yah always reveal your ‘planks’?
• How does one know if they love their stuff too much?
• Who is considered our “brothers and sisters”?
• You shouldn’t be doing this
• What is the price you’re not willing to pay?

Afterburn: also known in the fitness world as the “afterburn effect,” simply put, the more intense the exercise, the more oxygen your body consumes afterward. 

This effect could occur spiritually after the intense teachings Rabbi Berkson delivers each week. This Afterburn Q&A session allows your mind and soul to consume more understanding (oxygen).

Take advantage of new teachings every week. Please click the "LIKE" button if this podcast has been a blessing.

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