The world and the different religious systems have significantly distorted marriage to the point that it has become something most people want to avoid. They would rather indulge in all the benefits of the marriage relationship without committing.

In this episode, Elder Jackson speaks about how constant and meaningful communication is vital to establishing a successful marriage.

• Review of Part 1
• Disclaimer
• Proverbs 24:3-4 – The first of five - Communication
• Men are like dogs analogy
• Where we first messed up? Genesis 3:16
• The goal is Ephesians 5
• The husband’s first ministry
• Ephesians 5:25
• Rulebook of Love - 1 Corinthians 13
• The men need to work on themselves
• Four questions husbands and wives should ask each other
• 99% love
• Still saying “I do”