We recommend listening to the full teaching before listening to this Afterburn.

Some of the topics covered are:
• Could there have been humans created before Adam?
• Why a rib from Adam?
• If they are both willing to lose
• I think I would rather stay single
• As long as both agree
• Briana’s definition of the role of a wife
• How does a wife offer help to her husband respectfully?
• To create beings that could choose to elevate
• Laying down the dogmas?
• This is a terrible idea…
• The consequences of not trusting
• Wives understanding their husband’s vision
• Is having your bubble popped similar to born again?
• Married before becoming Torah pursuant?
• Elohim setting the structure from the beginning
• Is it problematic when wives work outside of the home?

Afterburn: also known in the fitness world as the “afterburn effect,” simply put, the more intense the exercise, the more oxygen your body consumes afterward. 

This effect could occur spiritually after the intense teachings Rabbi Berkson delivers each week. This Afterburn Q&A session allows your mind and soul to consume more understanding (oxygen).

Take advantage of new teachings every week. Please click the "LIKE" button if this video has been a blessing.

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