On the first Shabbat of the month, Rabbi Steve Berkson opens the floor to the local congregants and those listening online to ask questions or comment about any aspect of our belief.

Rabbi Berkson addresses topics concerning fundamental Torah-based practices and personal development, gives marital instruction, shares parental techniques, and more.

Part 2:
• Are they not engaged in sin? (Continued)
• Brothers and sisters in Messiah?
• What will we be known for as a group of people in a hundred years?
• Is it safe for me to watch these sorts of things?
• Manifesting? The secret of the law of attraction
• Caused or allowed?
• Shalom defined
• Do pancakes count as unleavened bread?
• Working on Shabbat?
• Should we become like a lion?
• Did I learn anything worthwhile from church?
• I shouldn’t study the Bible?
• How do I keep the fire burning?

… and much more!

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Join us for Shabbat Services & Torah Study LIVE, streamed on our YouTube Channel every Saturday at 1:15 pm and every Friday for Torah Study Live Stream at 7:30 pm, eastern time.