We recommend watching the full teaching, https://youtu.be/7EBr5qr3jC8, before listening this Afterburn.

Some of the topics covered are:
• Intro
• Too blunt?
• Doing the things that make the relationship impossible
• Something’s not right, something’s missing
• 1 John 3:16 – What is ‘laying down our lives for the brothers’?
• “It is what it is” - What did Rabbi mean?
• 1 John 3:7 – Let no one lead you astray?
• Get rid of the negative self-talk
• What is being taught may not apply to you now, but it is for someone
• 1 John 3:6 – Does not ‘habitually’ sin
• If I ask the question, “will I be in the Kingdom?”
• We are responsible for our responses to others in the Body
• 1 John 3:9 – ‘His seed’ as compared to pregnancy
• How many times can the ‘old man’ be buried?
• Should we analyze what type of ‘soil’ we are?
• Doesn’t Elohim birth in us the desire not to sin?
• Could ‘boldness’ in 1 John 3:21 be considered as rebellious?
• ‘I have become all things to all people’ - what did Paul mean?
• Sometimes I crave Hot Cheetos…
• Is there a difference between repentance and confessing sin?
• Luke 9:62 - Elohim isn’t concerned with your past?
• Can not burying the old man become apostasy?

… and much more!

Afterburn: also known in the fitness world as the “afterburn effect,” simply put, the more intense the exercise, the more oxygen your body consumes afterward. 

This effect could occur spiritually after the intense teachings Rabbi Berkson delivers each week. This Afterburn Q&A session allows your mind and soul to consume more understanding (oxygen).

Take advantage of new teachings every week. Please click the "LIKE" button if this podcast has been a blessing.

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