We recommend watching the full teaching, https://youtu.be/8dxgyR4G5Xg, before listening to this Afterburn.


Some of the topics covered are:
• Intro
• How does Messiah’s death directly affect me and those before Messiah’s birth?
• Being “born again” and not able to sin?
• Understanding the metaphors of ‘water’ used in the Bible
• When we sin, we become spiritually weak?
• More about 1 John 5:18 - born of Elohim does not sin
• You see two people having a problem - what do you do?
• An excellent example of “burying the old man”
• The Logical/Emotional conundrum
• What does it look like when someone rejects Elohim?
• What are you doing with what you’ve received so far?
• Is this from the Father or not?
• If it’s a sin to you…
• My emotions don’t always line up with my exercising discipline
• Chris’ connections
• Awareness + Discipline = Boldness?
• How do I know I’ve “sinned” against my brother? (A sin not unto death)
• Is it sin to hold onto an unrealistic expectation?
• What do I do if I sin, am unaware of it, and therefore don’t repent?

… and much more!

Afterburn: also known in the fitness world as the “afterburn effect,” simply put, the more intense the exercise, the more oxygen your body consumes afterward. 

This effect could occur spiritually after the intense teachings Rabbi Berkson delivers each week. This Afterburn Q&A session allows your mind and soul to consume more understanding (oxygen).

Take advantage of new teachings every week. Please click the "LIKE" button if this podcast has been a blessing.

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