Something magical is happening this year, and it is essential to declare your dreams and desires, trust in your unique gifts, unleash your creative expression, and carry out your Soul’s promise.  Not everything in 2022 is going to be easy.  We will certainly have challenges and that is WHY it is important to declare your dreams, desires and trust in your gifts.  It may become easy to get off track when you aren’t clear on direction.  

We are starting of a new year always brings us excitement and hope and a view outward to a new horizon  

Welcome to a brand-new month and a brand-new year.

Not only does January amplify the powerful number 1 vibration of creation and new beginnings, but it also signifies the start of 2022, which relates to the number 6 in numerology. The number 6 relates to Venus, the goddess of beauty, love, relationships, self-worth, and values.
We are doing our best to navigate internal shifts while the world and systems around us experience a dynamic change.   Systems such as medical, government, political, education, financial and more. Things may seem like a constant state of fluctuation.   We are working on finding balance and harmony as we transmute chaos into love and attempt to understand what all this stuff about 5th dimension is and how do we bring the energy of 5th dimension into our reality.    We live in 3D and want the vibration of 5D in our 3D being - in other words Manifesting a Spiritual Goal into the Physical Reality

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