There is an art to how we listen.    and even if we think we are good listeners, how, and what we listen to is changing.   Yes,  we can't forget the science to hearing and how sound and the vibration of sound impacts us, but there is an art of listening.   If you've recently been hearing high pitch buzzing or tones of sound from the universe,  you are receiving and are more receptive to the codes/keys coming to us from the other dimensions.     

As we transmute old energy, to our new ways of discovery and being us -  it is very logical that we would want to share that information.   Sharing without judgment or someone trying to problem solve for us.  It is important to us that we understand this level of change so we do not try to problem solve something old, when old advice or resolution does not fit for what is happening now.   We like to say - when I experienced that, or when that happened to me -  which is fine if it is only sharing, but if it is meant to advise another, or direct another there is much for them to learn on their path.  Having the ability to speak to another about their experience IS part of their learning. 

They are trying out 'the experience' in a safe place -  they are testing that what they are experiencing and saying will not be judged by another.    THEREFORE it  is super important that we allow the space for others to share and learn about their experience.    This is sacred listening 

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