Laurie talks about the amount of light that is coming into the planet now in June.  The June 5 Full Moon eclipse, the June 20 Solar Eclipse followed by the summer solstice, and the final open gateway of July 5 Full Moon Eclipse.  We are being pushed and supported to transform and purge what doesn't work anymore.  This is not easy work. It has deep dark roots that are being pulled. We are not alone and we aren't able to do all this work alone. We need help. The angels, guides, Ascended masters, astral beings, our ancestors and the universe itself is support us.  THIS is the time of transformation.

Laurie talks about Saturn and Venus and how the energy of those planets are pushing us to purge the dark within us, our communities, and our globe.  It is unnatural for us to be unloving, and this is created by layers and lifetimes of pain It's time to see it and heal it.  Laurie also shares the story of her Uncle Fr. Barry, who in 1968  published The Pieces. At that time, he was working/living in the inner city of Chicago. Barry was born in 1929 and ordained a priest in 1956. At the time of his book publication, it says he'd worked his entire career working with the black youth of Chicago's south side and their families.  He was a believer and preacher of equality,  unequivocal non-violence and had participated in marching for civil rights - including marching with Martin Luther King.  He'd been nudging her and lending words of wisdom. 

She reminds us that this is a time where we love to be outside enjoying summer, and we feel somber or bad about wanting to have fun. The importance of doing our work - of speaking up and listening, but also taking care of yourself. Honoring us and those around us through joy and happiness - WHILE doing the work.  It's a very different year, and we have much ahead of us yet.  The work is just really beginning.  


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