When I was in the corporate world, I'd say, "Slay the dragon - stand in the fire." Sometimes, it's a stay-in-place vs. running or avoiding. It means to stop avoiding and go through what life is presenting. 

I've since stopped using the phrase slay the dragon as the energies of the dragons really aren't happy with that, yet they understand the human use of the words. We tend to want to kill everything anyway, so why wouldn't we use a metaphor for killing something we thought to be harmful…   Did you catch that….   Killing something we thought was dangerous and acting from the fear of what could be vs. what is.  
 Dragon energy – and dragon energy is NOT harmful, scary, or anything else we might have made up about it being wrong. So, wanting to kill it just doesn't make sense. But then, as humans, we actually do a LOT of stuff that doesn't make sense when we act from that place of fear. 

Welsh kings first adopted the dragon in the early fifth century to symbolize their power and authority after the Romans withdrew from Britain.   Dragons have long symbolized power. I'm going to share the energies of 13 dragons. 

You might not believe in Dragons. Maybe you didn't believe in crystals, angels, guides, or astrology a few years ago. Today, please open your eyes, ears, and soul to the possibility of some additional helpers out there who want to help and in that they can bring the fire energy of the dragons. In past lifetimes, you worked with them more closely. Maybe as a child, you played with toy dragons and never understood the draw you had to them. What harm is there in being curious about the possibility of seeing something new? 

In my life, I have learned to NEVER say NEVER – and expect the unexpected. 
This is a unique meditation that will connect you to the magic of Dragon Energy. 
Yes, I said Dragon Energy.

Everything in the Universe is Energy – We are energy, and we can connect with other energetic sources. All layers, levels, and sources of energy. Angels, guides, elementals, loved ones, celestial beings, animal spirits, and Dragon Energy. 

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