How does God deal with mankind? By sending Jesus to be the Word made flesh, God changed the paradigm. Now Jesus has ascended into heaven to represent us before the Father, but what the victory march of the gospel? Has it halted because Jesus is no longer visibly among us? On the Day of Pentecost, Jesus answered that question by pouring out the Holy Spirit to be our constant companion until his return. Yet that begs another question: Where is the Holy Spirit to be found? Where do we go to hear from him? God has never left us in doubt. When Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, he indicated that his work would be connected to the Word. Christ’s victory march continues as the Spirit goes out through the gospel to the world!

The Bible readings for this message are John 14:23-27.

Video of this worship service and message can be found here.

This message is Part 9 in our Easter series: Victorious.

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