Epiphany means revealing. The church season of Epiphany is all about Jesus revealing himself to the world as the Messiah, as the Savior, as Lord and God during his three years of public ministry as he made his way to the cross. Throughout his ministry, people asked, “Who is this Jesus of Nazareth?” Is he an Old Testament prophet back from the dead? Was he a great rabbi unlike any other? Is he simply a messenger from God or could he be something more? Today many have great things to say about “this Jesus,” but many of those great things fail to say enough. So during the season of Epiphany, we ask, “Who is this Jesus?” and we let Jesus reveal the truth about himself for who he really is.

We find Jesus approaching John the Baptizer in the waters of the Jordan River to be baptized, not for his own sins, but in our place for ours. Stepping out from beneath baptismal waters, Jesus is then approved by the triune God as he publicly begins his ministry to complete the mission entrusted to him—to be our Substitute, to be our Lord, to be our Savior and the Savior of the world.

The Bible reading for this message is Mark 1:4-11.

Video of this worship service and message can be found here.

This message is Part 1 in our Epiphany worship  series: Who Is This Jesus?.

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