What to Expect When a Loved One is Nearing Death

How do you say good-bye to a loved one approaching the end of life? Tune in to hear Alice describe her very personal experience of being with her big sister during her final week of life at a hospice facility. This show is a tribute to Alice's sister, Diane, who lost a tragic battle with cancer and transitioned on Nov. 18, 2013. 

Comment from a listener:  "I loved this show...what a wonderful tribute to your sister Diane. Alice, your sharing of your last days with Diane will help many of us dealing with the same situation, opening our eyes to how we can be of the best help for our loved ones transitioning. Dennis you confirmed to me that I, in the same type of experience, was indeed communicating with my loved one, while they were in a morophine induced sleep. Thank you both." ~ Joan in Canada

Messages From Beyond® with Twin Soul spiritual psychic mediums, Dennis and Alice Jackson, is a fun lively show where people feel comfortable being with others of like minds.