Today I want to share something personal with you. We're diving deep into the challenges of marriage and how it can lead us down a difficult path. This week, our focus is on identifying the darkness within our relationships and recognizing the warning signs before it's too late.

Many men, including myself in the past, tend to sleepwalk through their marriages. They're unaware that problems are brewing beneath the surface. I used to brush off my wife's emotions, thinking she was overreacting, and I'd find solace in distractions like video games, cigarettes, and beer. It didn't matter where we lived or what our circumstances were; I always found a way to escape.

Being oblivious to the issues, I never imagined myself listening to a podcast like this. I used to blame my ex-wife for everything, believing she was the problem. I would call her crazy and use that as an excuse to disconnect and escape. It was a pattern of avoidance that ultimately pushed us apart.

As a result, my wife stopped opening up to me about how she felt. She grew tired of always initiating conversations and trying to connect. If I wasn't careful, I would mistake the absence of arguments or problems as a sign that everything was fine. In reality, our relationship had deteriorated into a transactional, roommate-like existence, devoid of true connection.

The purpose of this podcast is to prevent such situations from occurring. We aim to reach couples before they reach this point of no return. Whether you're a wife listening and your husband is in that sleepwalking state, or if you know someone in a similar situation, please share this podcast with them. We're all about transformation and engaging in spiritual warfare, fighting against the forces that seek to divide us.


"If you keep silent, keep silent by love: if you speak, speak by love; if you correct, correct by love; if you pardon, pardon by love; let love be rooted in you, and from the root, nothing but good can grow. Love and do what you will." - Saint Augustine.


Blessings on your path, 

Rev. Benjamin Norman


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