Today on Mesa Money Minute "Medicare"  I'm Donna Morrall, a Certified Financial Planner with Clear Waters Financial Network.  Confused by the Medicare alphabet soup?  Here are a few important points.  Set a reminder when you turn 64 1/2 to start learning about Medicare.  You can sign up 3 months before you turn 65 until 4 months after you turn 65.  If you are already receiving social security you will be signed up for parts A and B automatically.  However, you may need to buy a Medicap policy or you may prefer a Medicare Advantage Plan.  If you are not on Social security you will need to sign up.  If you don't, you may pay a Part B  premium penalty for life.  If you are still working, check the details because you may still need or want to sign up for some parts depending on your employer size or plan.  Medicare has a great booklet called Medicare and you and lots of information on  Make sure you put the .gov on the website search.  I'm Donna Morrall.  Mesa Money Minute is produced at KAFM Grand Junction, CO and is for educational purposes only.  For more, visit