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Colorado voters approved Proposition 118 in November of 2020, creating a state-run Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FAMLI) program. FAMLI will start providing benefits to employees beginning January 1, 2024. Eligible employees will receive up to 12 weeks of paid leave in order to take care of themselves or their family during life changes such as the birth or adoption of a child or taking care of a family member with a serious health condition. Both employers and employees will pay a premium for the program, equalling about a half a percent of wages each. Beginning January 1, 2023, employers will need to begin withholding these premiums from employees' checks and remitting the premiums to the state. Small businesses with fewer than 10 employees will not have to pay the employer's portion of the premiums, but will still need to withhold the employee portion and remit it to the state.