Previous Episode: Season 2 Episode 8 - Release

After working on releasing old ways, offering herself the time and space, and progressing forward on my personal development and healing journey, hiding became something Nicole noticed she was doing more and more frequently. She started to bring awareness to where and how she was hiding parts of herself from those around her, in organizations she was associated with, and essentially from the fullest, best version of herself. She ends with a reflection of how hiding showed up in her life after starting to explore spirituality and looking inward and what that led to her missing out on.

Nicole Imbriaco is a tech-savvy MBA turned yoga teacher and reiki practitioner who brings mindfulness and intuition into the paths of others who are living less than the whole version of themselves. She also works with purpose driven entrepreneurs to merge logic and instinct to work smarter and expand their impact. Several catalysts in her life dramatically shifted her perspective on the world and altered how she wanted to use her energy and time while in this lifetime. These events led her to stop trying to force these two aspects of herself apart and finally pushed her to start integrating the two.

You can find Nicole on IG at or discover ways to work with her on her website here. Join a group of souls who are also on the path of merging logic and instinct on FB here or IG @merginglogicandinstinct.

Interested in the accompanied journaling exercise Nicole talks through in the episode? Get it here.