After openly exploring new modalities, opportunities, and potential paths forward, there comes a time to make a commitment. A commitment of energy, resources, time. Nicole shares more about what that step looked like for her at the beginning of her journey of diving inward, tuning in, and moving forward on her personal and spiritual growth journey. She reminisces on how easy it was to forego the commitments she made to herself when no one else was aware or working alongside her with it and offers ways to help you be accountable and supported at this stage. She ends the episode with sharing what she’s committing to right now and how that has changed over time in her personal growth journey.

Nicole Imbriaco is a tech-savvy MBA turned yoga teacher and reiki practitioner who brings mindfulness and intuition into the paths of others who are living less than the whole version of themselves. She also works with purpose driven entrepreneurs to merge logic and instinct to work smarter and expand their impact. Several catalysts in her life dramatically shifted her perspective on the world and altered how she wanted to use her energy and time while in this lifetime. These events led her to stop trying to force these two aspects of herself apart and finally pushed her to start integrating the two.

You can find Nicole on IG at or discover ways to work with her on her website here. Join a group of souls who are also on the path of merging logic and instinct on FB here or IG @merginglogicandinstinct.

Interesting in learning more about the two programs Nicole shares more about near the end of the episode? Check out her introductory 1:1 program, Merging Logic & Instinct, here and her newest 12 week 1:1 offering, Dive In, here.