In this week’s episode, Nicole Imbriaco deviates slightly from the usual series and shares a mindfulness meditation. A mere glimpse into the practice that has been instrumental for her in cultivating wholeness across mind, body, and soul. In 2017, she started a meditation practice by setting an alarm for just five minutes a day every morning before heading off to the trading floor where she was working at the time. From that point forward, she slowly realized how critical meditation was for her in maintaining a general sense of wellbeing. Since then, Nicole regularly integrates mindfulness and meditation into her daily life.

Through her own journey of finding meditation and establishing a regular routine amongst the in-between of her busy life, she created a mini-course to help others find balance, clarity, and lean back into the essence of who they truly are.

Nicole Imbriaco is a tech-savvy MBA business consultant, coach, yoga teacher and reiki practitioner who helps entrepreneurs and small businesses pursuing their passion and purpose to expand their impact and works with individuals to find wholeness. Several catalysts in her life dramatically shifted her perspective on the world and altered how she wanted to use her energy and time while here. These events led her to stop trying to force these two aspects of herself apart and finally pushed her to start integrating the two. Follow Nicole on IG at or discover ways to work with her via her website here.