The third ensemble have been waiting in the wings. Now that they’ve finally made their entrance, they must bring themselves back to reality to have any hope of saving it.

Programme notes

Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality: get 700+ video and tabletop games for as little as $5, with all proceeds split evenly between the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the Community Bail Fund

Black Lives Matter protests, petitions and other resources

Friends in the UK, write to your MPs and councillors to defend racial justice and the right to protest

Our promo this episode is for The GM & Me, fellow member of the UK & Ireland Tabletop RPG Podcasters community. It’s a one-player, one-gamemaster podcast showcasing a variety of roleplaying games.

Season credits

STARRING Ellie Pitkin, Alex Pankhurst, Josh Yard and Dave; Chris Starkey, Chris Buxey and Chris; Helen Stratton, Ellen Gould, Natalie Winter and Strat as themselves (sort of) (various)

SPECIAL GUEST APPEARANCES BY Ellie Pitkin as Nia and The Space Jam Continuum podcast’s Chris MacLennan as CANDICE

GAME DESIGNED AND RUN BY Matt Boothman, using the Powered by the Apocalypse engine

MUSIC BY Matt Boothman


IN ASSOCIATION WITH Blackshaw Theatre Company

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