Kerry Baldwin on Abuse, Sphere Sovereignty | Show Notes



In this episode, Jacob Winograd invites Kerry Baldwin to discuss some cultural aspects of relationship from a Reformed and anarchist perspective. Winograd is concerned is the church is failing to “be the church” as a means of societal preservation (Matt 5:13-16). We begin with a description of sphere sovereignty as formulated in the statement on Reformed AnarchismSphere sovereignty is a concept articulated in neocalvinism from Dutch theologian, Abraham Kuyper, and Reformational philosopherHerman Dooyeweerd. This sets the stage for our discussion on the institutions of the family, church, and the state, the proper understanding of these institutions, and how abuse arise within them.

Main Points of Discussion 02:11  Salt & Light? What is Sphere Sovereignty and how does it relate to culture? 05:40  What is the Christian institution of marriage? Unity and diversity in the Body of Christ, submission, analogy of Christ and Bride, self-love, 17:14  Distinctions of roles between husband and wife in marriage; Eternal Subordination of the Son, gender distinctions in egalitarianism, homemaking, patriarchalism, 24:19  Wifely submission, Does the wife submit to everything a husband demands? Marital rape, compelling obedience, equivalent error in Romans 13, monopolization of marriage 30:52  Divorce; Does God hate divorce?  35:47  Abusive relationships, church scandals, the secular overcorrection of victimhood, feminism and revenge, matriarchy, parachurch organizations 40:47  The church’s job is to preach the Gospel! We’re looking forward to the Christ’s coming kingdom Resource Links

What is Reformed Anarchism?
Daniel 3 Podcast – Interview with Gregory Baus
What is Feminism in Simple Terms?
What is Christian Love?
Life-Saving Divorce by Gretchen Baskerville


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