Just nine days after he laid his 16 year-old son, Jeremiah Thomas, to rest, Rusty Thomas preached this sermon at Mercy Seat Christian Church. This sermon lays out the thoughts of a father who loved his child dearly - and who loves Christ dearly. 49 Min. MercySeat.net OperationSaveAmerica.org----Here is a link to a 2-minute video of Jeremiah - the 16 year old that died. Please take the time to watch it.--https---www.facebook.com-fightweshall-videos-310018939549542-UzpfSTYyNDA1NTAxNjoxMDE1NTgzNjc0NzQ1NTAxNw-----Here is the link to the actual conversation between Jeremiah and Governor Abbott -click on the video at the bottom of the page to listen to the actual conversation----https---www.dailywire.com-news-32049-texas-gov-greg-abbott-promises-dying-teen-outlaw-paul-bois----Here is a link to some news coverage of the funeral service.--http---www.kwtx.com-content-news-Central-Texas-football-star-and-anti-abortion-activist-laid-to-rest-hundreds-pay-tribute-at-funeral-service-492191231.html-utm-medium-social-utm-source-facebook-KWTX-News-10