Anyone who spends time at the statehouse whether at the federal level by the Potomac or at their state capitol, soon learn that economics drives politics. Money is the god first worshipped there. It drives civil government. It drives law and public policy.----In this sermon, we see Micah address the businessmen of his day - and the complicity of the magistrates with them. This was how things were in Micah's day. Most people know who Ahab was - a wicked king. But who was Omri- He was Ahab's father. He established what the Assyrians referred to as -The House of Omri- dynasty. He brought Israel to prominence by vigorously promoting the commercial growth of the northern kingdom. He made Samaria into the great capitol of the northern kingdom. He brought wealth and financial enlargement to Israel and to the Israelites. He brought military greatness to Israel. And he also brought tolerance for other religions and evil into Israel - and his son Ahab expanded the evil, shedding innocent blood and promoting Baal worship throughout the land. Omri made the financial deal that had his son Ahab marry the daughter of the king of Sidonia that opened the door for Baal worship in Israel. It was because of money that Baal worship and innocent blood being spilled came to Israel.----Drunk on wealth and ease and thinking there was no consequence for the nation's actions, the magistrates accommodated Omri and Ahab, and the people were indifferent to it. Sound familiar- 46 min.