And what of the preachers in our day - those who fill the pulpits in our day. Yes - there are some good true blue men who fear and love the Lord. But overwhelmingly the majority are like the false prophets of Micah's day- They tell people what they want to hear.----There has been a divorce between doctrine and life. They keep things an inch deep and a hundred miles wide. They assure the people the Lord wants them rich, fat, and happy. There is no cry to repentance. They have literally reshaped Christianity to the mindset that God exists for them - not that they exist for God. They downplay doctrine and they live just like the world with a Jesus veneer to their life.----They enthrall the people with the theory of Christianity but want nothing to do with the practice of Christianity. True Christian doctrine must lead to Christian lives - to Christian living. He didn't just save us from something - namely sin and His wrath - but He also saved us for something - namely to serve Him in the earth.----When these pastors see the injustice and immorality being dispensed throughout the land through the capitols as Micah did in his day - they say nothing of it - virtual silence. God's Law and word impugned by the governments of men - and nothing- They don't speak the Word of the Lord to the magistrates - they have abandoned the realm of civil government - and now wicked men rule. And they chalk it all up to their prophecy charts. No- They are whores who long ago decided they love the praises of man more than faithfulness to Christ-----How can you be quiet-----43 min.