Continuing through Acts verse by verse.--So here again we see Paul before the magistrates. In contact with the magistrates. When the Lord spoke to Paul He said there would be no harm to him - but that did not mean there wouldn't be difficulties. But notice here - no harm did come to him- Here we see the interposition of the magistrates on behalf of Paul- The magistrate keeps Paul from harm.----And this was huge. Had Gallio sided with the Jews - scholars point out that this would have slowed the preaching of the Gospel for the next 10-12 years. Then there was a change in Roman rule under Nero decidedly against Christians. But those 10-12 years running up till then would have been decidedly different. Gallio was held in esteem - had his judgment gone against Paul - all other proconsuls would hear of his verdict on this - and they too would have made things hard on the Christians. Because of the interposition of this proconsul - the Christian faith was given liberty to be proclaimed.----This demonstrates once again - the impact of the magistrates concerning the Gospel - whether for good or for evil. And I have seen this in our days. From a judge to a policeman - they can either help proliferate the spread of the Gospel - or hinder it. This is why churchmen have always believed it important to instruct the magistrates - to speak to the civil realm regarding their office- instructing them in their duty in the sight of Christ. Christ's kingdom impacts both individuals and nations. And here we see it yet again in Acts 18 - our text.----53 min.--Mercy