Why You Should Subscribe to The Merciful Servants of God YouTube Channel If You Love the Bible

Are you interested in why you were born? Do you desire to know why God allows suffering? Do you desire to understand God's plan for mankind? Do you desire to know how you can have a relationship with the TRUE God of the Bible and His people? Are you wondering what God says about the United States, Canada, Israel, Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other countries you hear about in the news? Do you desire to understand Bible prophecy?

If so, then I encourage you to subscribe to the Merciful Servants of God YouTube Channel: https://www.YouTube.com/MercifulServantsofGod 

For those who have listened to me for years, you now have the opportunity to view Bible teaching videos.

I produce livestream videos with chat and they are automatically recorded and saved on the Merciful Servants of God Youtube Channel.

I am in the process of producing several teaching videos about the Bible that will help you make sense of the world you live in today, world events, world news and how to properly prepare for what's coming (Luke 21:34-36; Hebrews 11:7; Proverbs 22:3). 

I will still produce podcasts. 

However, you can view Bible teaching videos on the Merciful Servants of God YouTube Channel in addition to listening to podcasts.

The titles of some of the teachings videos I have produced:
Introduction to the Merciful Servants of God2020: The clock is tickingGod's Message to the WorldIt is 100 seconds to Midnight: Why?