Our first-ever four-time-zones-at-once episode!  Bawb joins us from Merry Olde England, and …

Our first-ever four-time-zones-at-once episode!  Bawb joins us from Merry Olde England, and Vance is on the road in Italy, while Brant & Jim are firmly planted in their home offices, though Brant’s voice seems to be on vacation.

We talk about military museums & battlefields – and getting kicked out of a few – in our various travels.  We also discuss the most outrageous hats that one might wear on the battlefield, and where in Canada you can find a good hat-maker.  Yes, we talk about wargames, too, at least a little bit.

Season 3 is winding down, so enjoy our last couple of episodes before we take a break for the holidays.

You can always catch up with past episodes on the “podcast” tab of our site.

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