Find out more at Trigger warning: this podcast discusses what it is like to be a Doctor from training to working in the NHS. At the time or recording a colleague of The Secret Psychiatrist was stabbed by one of their patients who is severely unwell. Our aim is to not add to the …

Find out more at

Trigger warning: this podcast discusses what it is like to be a Doctor from training to working in the NHS. At the time or recording a colleague of The Secret Psychiatrist was stabbed by one of their patients who is severely unwell. Our aim is to not add to the stigma around mental health but unfortunatley violence from patients towards NHS staff is a reality regardless of the mental health. Doctors struggle and the demands placed upon them is enormous. Keep up the good work The Secret Psychiatrist we really appreciate all that you do and wish we could do more to help you.

If you feel suicidal call 999/911 immediately.

If you need to talk you can contact:

Samaritans on:

116 123 (UK)

116 123 (ROI)

Find out more at their website

Mental Health Resources:

Rethink Mental Illness

0121 522 7007

Mind The Mental Health Charity

Infoline: 0300 123 3393 (Our lines are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays)

Text: 86463

Social Media


Becky: @BLawrence85

Sydney: @sydney_timmins

The Secret Psychiatrist: @thesecretpsych

Podcast: @MHBC_Podcast


