Find out more at Kindness map: On Twitter: #365daysofcompassion and @chris_98 Find Holly Bourne at: Twitter Holly’s Website Get her book here If you feel suicidal call 999 immediately. *Sponsor* Happiful Magazine Thanks to the lovely people at Happiful Magazine who have sponsored Sydney to attend the Mental Health First Aid Course this …

Find out more at

Kindness map:

On Twitter: #365daysofcompassion and @chris_98

Find Holly Bourne at:


Holly’s Website

Get her book here

If you feel suicidal call 999 immediately.


Happiful Magazine

Thanks to the lovely people at Happiful Magazine who have sponsored Sydney to attend the Mental Health First Aid Course this July.  We will be bringing you some special episodes on the course as Becky has completed the young people’s Mental Health First Aid Course.

If you haven’t heard of Happiful Magazine before here is what they are trying to do: Their mission is to create a healthier, happier, more sustainable society. Aiming to provide informative, inspiring and topical stories about mental health and wellbeing. They want to break the stigma of mental health in society, and to shine a light on the positivity and support that should be available for everyone, no matter their situation. The e-magazine is free. Hard copies are available, see their website for more details.

If you need to talk you can contact:

Samaritans on:

116 123 (UK)
116 123 (ROI)
Find out more at their website

Mental Health Resources:

Rethink Mental Illness

0121 522 7007

Mind The Mental Health Charity

Infoline: 0300 123 3393 (Our lines are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays)
Text: 86463

Social Media


Becky: @BLawrence85

Sydney: @sydney_timmins

The Secret Psychiatrist: @thesecretpsych

Podcast: @MHBC_Podcast




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