Full disclosure - we are autodidacts in teaching ourselves audio recording.

Looking at how to achieve goals in a framework - Sarah. Julia leaving the country in two weeks! Feeling both anxious and separate from all the stress.

Going to England - temporary move! Just a few months. And on the way to my job, there is a 24 hour Starbucks.

Talking about getting to be a regular at that Starbucks. (Future note- I did get to be a regular!)


Hormone Replacement Therapy - Should I or Shouldn’t I?

Talking about the old things that don’t exist anymore - like phone cords!

Really thinking about estrogen and as it starts to ebb and flow. It’s a roller coaster.

Some people think HRT is not natural, but the estrogen flux is intense. Back a long time ago, women didn’t live as long as we do now, so it wasn’t as big of a deal. It’s also “not natural” to live much beyond menopause.

Estrogen can help your heart stay healthy which is a bigger killer of women than cancer.

If you have breast cancer risks, estrogen is not a great idea. Speak to your doctor.

Estrogen to make you look youthful and sexy looking. Julia is wondering where those side effects went

“Estrogen regime” = Julia meant to say “regimen.” !!!

Estrogen = “It’s the only hormone people are asked to live without.” If someone is diabetic, we don’t ask them to live without insulin. They would die!

Estrogen helps with bone strength - along with weight bearing exercise and good diet.

It’s important to educate yourself about what to ask your doctor. And to ask.

Also talking about how various socio-economic groups of women might not have access to good medical care, might not have a regular doctor. It’s harder and harder for poorer groups to eat well in food deserts.

At the very least be clear on your family history of menopause and other issues as it could effect your hormone replacement therapy options.

Learning about your health is hard work. You have to research and seek out the information. It’s work. And we are all busy, especially women who tend to put their own needs at the bottom of the priority list or not near the top.

Discussion of the LeisureWorld study - over 8000 white middle or upper class in So Cal. Good info, but doesn’t cover all women’s experience.

Always remember that heart disease is the leading killer of women.

There is more recent Leisure World study info - LINK TO IT!

There are important positive things that estrogen does for your health.

MYTH! Menopause causes you to gain wait. NOT TRUE.

So disappointed about this. But good to hear that the women in a study who were on HRT were the ones to gain the least amount of weight.

Sarah had lost 25 pounds years ago, but has since gained it back. But is working on it.

Mainly the key thing in weight loss is to START and find what works for you in terms of exercise. It is very important to do weight bearing exercise.

Mention of Trans Fats - the big villain - this was big news 20 years ago.

How long you stay on HRT is dependent on a lot of things, so ask your doctor.

Find the minimally effective level of HRT for you.

The first thing to consider is how long you have left to live. You could be in literal mid-life.

Be a partner with your doctor. Be your own advocate. Then take charge of the transition. Don’t be passive in the change.

One important question for your OB/GYN - how many women over 40 do you treat in your practice?

Any hot flashes? NONE!