Is Frozen Cherries a metaphor?

Should we make this podcast a musical? Probably not

Sarah sleeping better, taking supplements, less hot flashes,

Julia bought flax seed oil to try and vitamin d – her cholesterol is fabulous

2018 goals – weight loss program for Julia

Sarah altering her diet as well, adding chia and flax and reducing dairy one step at a time by taking yogurt out (try adding frozen banana and frozen cherries)

Bible Study - Estrogen and Brain Power

Estrogen may reduce alzheimers – lets hope this still holds true

How to save your memory:


Nutritional supplements

Movement learning – need to move your body to create new pathways in your brain, like learning a new dance or dances

Socializing is also a big part of keeping your brain healthy.

Content learning – also learning new things. Like us learning how to podcast.

Feel like you lose your mind during menopause.

We have to stand up for ourselves as women in the medical field. Example of woman who’s doctor only took her concerns seriously when her husband said something.

Sarah feels like she can’t quite get her brain moving as quickly as she used to.  Hoping it’s just temporary.

Julia feels like she has Menopause brain – similar to toddler brain (when her daughter was a 2-3) Can’t recall words as quickly. Why can we remember all the trains in Thomas The Tank Engine but not the more grown up things?? WHY?

Maybe it’s the shifting priorities – maybe it’s the shifting amount of things you can actually hold in your brain.

Difference in distractions between how we were raised vs. how our mother’s raised us. We’d love to hear comments/thoughts on this.

Man-o-pause – is it a thing or just more about

More about changes at an older age. Most fearsome thing for men is a slump in sexual drive.

Can we make a sweeping generalizing that all men care about is sex? It is equally defining for them as it is for women to stop being able to have children. 

“Oh I’m done” feeling.

Being self reflective and self knowing is critical to approaching this change – all changes involved in getting older.

(Reviewing how much we enjoyed Betty’s conversation last week.)

No education about what to expect when you are expecting Menopause.

Much like when you are told to start getting mammograms – you should be required to have The Talk about Menopause. JUST START THE CONVERSATION! 

Discussion of vaginal reconstruction services. Um what?

Going to the GYNO and be surrounded by pregnant women is odd and sometimes really hard when you are mourning the loss of your child bearing years.

Wonder how the lack of estrogen affects the lizard brain – does it put it to sleep

Your brain shifting is temporary – you will get your snappy brain back!

How’s your antioxidant drawer?

Mention of Tab and Fresca!