Julia continues to prep for London. Sarah has a new tip: moisturize more. Just more.

Bible Study: The Silent Passage and how we’re not being Silent about it. Chapter: Menopause in the Workplace. Most people we know are working, whether in corporate world or not. Noting how difficult it is to work and concentrate without sleeping.

Julia works with mostly men, so of course menopause is not discussed with them. It’s the conundrum of needing to ask for accommodations in the workplace, but also not wanting to appear less-than capable.

We commiserate about how it’s STILL assumed that women are the primary caregivers for children and not men. The notion of hiring an older person - they tend to be calmer and better workers, but then there’s still agism.

Male menopause - more discussion.

Sarah wishes she were in menopause - she absolutely despises having her period. Sick of it!

Older mom syndrome - may keep you having your period longer - and also may help you live longer. Sarah wants to go over the estrogen issue again - what is it about estrogen that’s both good and bad?

Today’s murderous rage was yesterday’s nervous breakdown. “Meno-rages” “Everyone’s menopause is different”. “We are not medical professionals” Estrogen makes a women’s blood vessels more elastic - which is necessary because of the pressure that the fetus puts on the mother’s blood pressure. Interesting idea that stress can affect one’s menopause. “Malaise” is a word we like to say over and over. You have to be such a strong advocate for yourself - you have to work pretty hard at it. Estrogen can help women get better sleep, and once women sleep better, they don’t need a psychiatrist or a divorce. Sleep is SOOO important.

Then we look at the state of contentment and whether women are happier once they are done with menopause. The sense of Well-being that we hope for. Women who’ve had a hysterectomy tend to have depression.

The change of life lover: your love life can either spike or die. We do feel that some men completely write us off because of our age, which does sting a bit. Are Men necessary? Do women need men? Are older women becoming Lesbians? Are they Meno-curious?

Testosterone. We talk about the importance of sex and being sexual. And you can enhance things with lube and sex toys without having to get a prescription. Interesting notion that our men may not want to acknowledge our menopause because it not only means we’re getting older, it means they are also getting older.

No Hot Flashes for either of us this week.