Title: #22 Expressing Grounded Masculinity (with Matthew Ayriss)

On this episode I chat with Matthew Ayriss, Masculinity and Sacred Sexuality Men’s Coach, Shamanic-Somatic Healer & Conscious Content Creator. Matthew facilitates online group coaching programs, in-person immersive experiences, men's retreats, tantra and transformational festivals and has hosted men's circles and group Men’s retreats across the world. Currently running the 3rd round of his online group coaching program for men, The Pillar - Masculine Sexual and Emotional Mastery. Through his one-on-one work and online programs, Matthew guides men into deepening their masculine purpose integrating and understanding the conditioning of their past, their desires and fears and becoming the master of their sexual energy. Over the years as a healer and facilitator he has supported both men and women in coming into their fullest expression of their authentic self, healing and integrating their past wounding while supporting them in embodying the essence of who they truly are, guiding his clients in stepping into their most authentic and fulfilling life. Matthew and I spoke about unhealthy and healthy expressions of masculinity and femininity. We also shared opinions about Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s ‘WAP’ song. We also addressed self-love, overcoming male body shame and transforming masturbation.

Key points:

Matthew shares some of his journey

Masculine and feminine cross polarity

Healthy vs Unhealthy expressions

‘WAP’ and contemporary sexual expression

Problems with language and media

Grounded masculinity

Self-love, self-pleasure and self-worth

Male body positivity

Transforming masturbation with prostate play

Relevant links:

Matthew’s website: www.themasculinepillar.com

Matthew’s instagram: @thehealingmatt