On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with Sureya Leonara. Sureya is a Holistic Sex & Relationship Coach and Writer. She is on a mission to change the world through healing and liberating sexuality, the seed of our creation, in a way that permeates every area of our lives, not just the bedroom. With eloquence, depth, playfulness, unconventional insight, and penetrating intuition, she catalyses profound shifts in the lives of her clients and audiences.

Key points:

- Sureya introduces herself

- Expanding definitions of pleasure and somatic awareness

- Cultivating curiosity, experimentation, and a no-pressure approach to sex

- Supporting partners through mutual understanding and non-linear intimacy

- Addressing performance anxiety and the mind-body connection

Relevant links:

Sureya’s website: www.sureyaleonara.com

Sureya’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sureya_leonara

Sureya’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sureyaleonara

Sureya's free practice: https://blue-block-67264.myflodesk.com/nxsyaw1wyh