Tim Hammond is a grassroots human rights activist who has been involved in numerous social change movements. As a teenager conscientiously opposed to fighting in Vietnam, he wrote copious letters to Congress urging an immediate end to the war. Tim has been committed to Congressional passage of the U.S. Peace Tax Fund Bill, which would re-direct the military portion of one's taxes (currently 50% of every dollar spent by the U.S. government) toward life-sustaining human services. He was active in raising public consciousness about women's rights and the need for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). In 1987 Tim was among hundreds of men and women arrested on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court to protest its decision to uphold states' rights to legislate private sexual behavior among consenting adults in their own home (a decision the Court ultimately reversed in 2003). He was a member of the Children's Rights Network of Amnesty International/USA and a member of the National Organization on Male Sexual Victimization (now MaleSurvivor.org). 

Key points:

Tim introduces himself
Activism and retaliation
Circumcision in America
Global Survey of Circumcision Harm
Foreskin anatomy
A brief history of foreskin restoration
Advice for men who’re interested in foreskin restoration

Relevant links:

Tim’s survey of foreskin restorers: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41443-023-00686-5